Sunday 15 September 2pm, Ferndale House.
The Mt Albert Historical Society will hold its AGM in person on Sunday 15 September 2024.
We hope that you will join us for this meeting – it is important that we reach a quorum at this meeting to meet our legal obligations, and ask that our members support us by attending.
Nominations for the Committee should be received before the AGM – if you would like to join the Committee, please fill in the attached form and return it to a member of the Committee before the AGM, or bring it to the AGM. There will also be a chance for us to receive nominations from the floor during the meeting
Our guest speaker this year will be historian Lisa Truttman, who will talk with us about her research about Mt Albert/Ōwairaka Maunga. You can read more about Lisa on her Timespanner blog here.
Refreshments will be served. If you can, a gold coin donation to support the catering would be appreciated.
Members will be sent agenda, last year’s minutes, nomination form, and other documents before the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Note that our Membership Year runs from 1 July 2024 to 31 June 2025 so annual subscriptions are now due. If you would prefer to pay in cash, we will be all set up to take your subscription at the AGM. We ask that all members fill in the Membership Form each year (which is on our website, and we will have copies at the AGM) so that we can ensure our records are correct. Thank you.