Local historian Lisa J Truttman has written a book about the history of the mountain that our suburb is named after. The book’s full title is The Maunga at Mount Albert: A history of Ōwairaka / Te-Ahi-kā-a-Rakataura.
This book should be on the bookshelf of everybody with an interest in Mount Albert, alongside Deborah Dunsford’s book Mt Albert Then and Now. It starts with the geological origins of the mountain, then outlines the earliest stories about it, summarising both Māori oral tradition and early writings. It explores land allotments and subdivision, the ballast pit, the history of the Domain, and key people involved in the mountain’s story. It ends with an objective discussion of the governance of the mountain, up to mid 2020. It is beautifully illustrated with photographs, artworks, maps and plans, and is fully referenced, allowing readers to follow up original sources.
You can download a PDF for free from the Avondale Waterview Historical Society website.
If you would like to purchase a print copy, Lisa may have some left. The price is $25 + p&p direct from the author. Please email her to enquire about availability – waitemata@gmail.com.