This page includes lists of residents from Mt Albert from various sources. It is given in date order.
1890-1891 Wise’s New Zealand Post Office Directory (Mount Albert p.298)
A single alphabetical list of names for residents in Mt Albert, with no specific addresses
- Alexander, James: Solicitor
- Allen, Thomas
- Ashton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Atleton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Beck, Richard
- Burgess, Frederick: Carrier
- Caughey, -: Linendraper
- Colson, William
- Crawford, James: Settler
- Dawson, George: Gardener
- Farley, Charles: Agent
- Fossett, Henry & Charles: Settlers
- Gardiner, John: Settler
- Garlick, Jonathan T.
- Gilmore, Jos.: Commission agent
- Hamley, William: Settler
- Harbutt, James: Broommaker
- Hooper, Doctor: Surgeon
- Hooper, Rev. William D.D. [Eng]
- James, James W.: Builder
- Kelly, Alfred: Settler
- Kensington, – : Survey Department
- Knight, Thomas: Settler
- McBride, George: Tailor
- McDonald, Alexander: Gardener
- McDonald, Robert: Settler
- McIndoe, James: Carrier
- Malcolm, James: Builder
- Martin, – : Cattle dealer
- Meadows, George: Gardener
- Olphert, David: Builder
- Penman, James A.: Carpenter
- Rattray, William
- Roberts, William E. : Storekeeper
- Sadgrove, Edward: Farmer
- Scherff, –
- Sellars, H.: Settler
- Small, Charles I. : Grocer
- Smith, Charles I.: Blacksmith
- Spragg, Wesley: Grocer
- Stephenson, Sl.: Store & Post Office
- Stewart, John: Farmer
- Taylor, Allan K.
- Thomson, William A.
- Tucker, William F.: Farmer
- Wallace, John: Farmer
- Waterhouse, Allen
- Watson, – : Brewer
- Webster, Hartley
- Wilkins, Joseph: Currier
- Wood, Noah
- Woodward, Mark: Farmer
- Wright, – : Surveyor
- Young, Thomas: Gardener
1892-1893 Wise’s New Zealand Post Office Directory (Mount Albert p.331)
A single alphabetical list of names for residents in Mt Albert, with no specific addresses
- Alexander, James: Solicitor
- Alexander, John
- Allen, Thomas
- Allen, Vincent
- Andrews, Charles
- Armstrong, Samuel
- Ashton, George
- Ashton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Astley, John
- Astley, Thomas: Carrier
- Atkin, W.H. (Cousins & Atkin)
- Atleton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Avery, Mrs Elizabeth
- Avery, Robert
- Backer, William
- Barker, Charles
- Barker, Edwin
- Barnaby, Thomas B.
- Barnes, James: Driver
- Battersby, George
- Battersby, Thomas
- Beck, Richard
- Bennett, William
- Bevan, William
- Birley, Peter
- Bougham, John
- Bradeney, Harry
- Bray, Mrs Anna E.
- Bray, Samuel
- Brew, Frederick
- Brewster, Charles
- Bullivan, Edward
- Burgess, Frederick: Carrier
- Bycroft, Mrs Jos.
- Cairns, James C.
- Calson, William
- Carrie, Mrs Martha
- Carter, William
- Caughey, – : Linendraper
- Caughey, Andrew C. (Smith & Caughey)
- Chatwin, William
- Chilton, Samuel
- Churton, John F.
- Clarke, James
- Colson, William
- Coofer, Sydney
- Court, George (Court Brothers)
- Court, James (Court Brothers)
- Cox, George
- Crawford, James: Settler
- Crawford, Matthew
- Culpin, Henry
- Dallen, William D.
- Dawson, George: Gardener
- Dawson, Capt. Thomas
- Dean, John
- Dick, James
- Dixon, J.J.
- Driver, Richard
- Durant, J.J.: Surgeon
- Durham, Mrs Lucy
- Edgecombe, George
- Edgecombe, William
- Elliot, Thomas
- Ellis, Robert
- Evans, David J.
- Farley, Charles: Agent
- Finch, Samuel
- Fletcher, Abraham
- Fletcher, W.
- Fowld, –
- Fraser, John: Builder
- French, Alexander
- Freney, William
- Fuller, Robert
- Gardiner, John: Settler
- Garlick, Jonathan T.
- George, Edward
- Gilmore, George C.: (Gilmore, Younghusband & Co)
- Gilmore, Jos.: Commission agent
- Grehen, Mrs Lizzie
- Gribble, Mrs Mary A.
- Hamilton, Mrs Mary A.
- Handley, William
- Hanley, John
- Hanson, William
- Harbutt, James: Broommaker
- Harrison, James
- Hastie, John
- Hastie, William
- Heath, N.: Teacher
- Hewlett, Mrs Emma
- Hill, Thomas: Gardener
- Hill, William
- Hines, Michael
- Hodgson, Thomas
- Hulse, James L.
- Hunt, John
- Hunter, James
- Hutton, Wynden
- James, James W.: Builder
- Jameson, Thomas R.
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones, William
- Kayes, Charles
- Kean, William
- Kelly, Alfred: Settler
- Kemp, James: Farmer
- Kemp, William
- Kensington, Wm: Survey Department
- King, John C.
- Knight, Thomas: Settler
- Knight, William: Settler
- Knox, John
- Laing, Edward
- Larkins, Rev. Frederick [Eng]
- Lindsay, Benjamin
- Little, Robert: Grocer
- Lorne, E.: Blacksmith
- Lucas, Mrs Mary
- Lynds, William A.: Poundkeeper
- McBride, George: Tailor
- McBride, Mrs Jane
- McBroom, William
- McDonald, Alexander: Gardener
- McElwain, George
- McGee, Frederick
- McGinn, Owen: Grocer
- McIndoe, James: Carrier
- McMurray, Mrs Annie
- McQuestion, Thomas
- Mansell, Henry
- Martin, Wm H.: Cattle dealer
- Meadows, George: Gardener
- Mercer, Albert
- Metcalf, William
- Miller, William
- Monk, William John
- Morley, Sarah A.
- Morrow, David
- Motion, William
- Murdoch, Mrs David
- Murphy, Edward
- Neal, Alfred
- Nelson, Samuel
- Nightingale, Albert
- Oelson, Andrew: Grocer
- O’Rooke, John
- O’Rooke, Michael
- Page, Arthur W.: Grocer
- Palmer, Albert
- Partington, George
- Patterson, James
- Patterson, Matthew
- Patterson, Robert
- Payes, James: Carpenter
- Penman, James A.: Carpenter
- Perkins, Euler
- Pettit, Mrs Margaret
- Piper, William
- Pitcher, Henry J.
- Pooley, James
- Pratt, Henry J.
- Priestley, John
- Priestley, Thomas: Book agent
- Pye, George
- Raffarit, Francis
- Ramsbottom, Benjamin
- Rattray, William
- Read, James
- Read, Thomas
- Redshaw, John
- Rees, Mrs Martha
- Roberts, William E.: Storekeeper
- Rogan, John
- Rooke, John
- Roper, – : Gardener
- Ross, James: Builder
- Ross, John
- Ross, Mrs Watts: Private school
- Runciman, Thomas
- Russell, Mrs Jane
- Sadgrove, Edward: Farmer
- Sadgrove, Mrs Sarah
- Sanderson, Jos. J.
- Scott John
- Scott, Mrs R.: Storekeeper
- Sellars, Harry: Settler
- Sewell, William
- Shackleton, William
- Sheehan, James
- Shepherd, George
- Simpson, James
- Sinclair, James: Teacher
- Small, Charles I.: Grocer
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, Charles I.: Blacksmith
- Smith, Henry: Blacksmith
- Smith, J.C.: Carpenter
- Smyth, Benjamin
- Southgate, Horace
- Spragg, Wesley
- Stafford, Mrs Mary
- Stephenson, Sl.: Store & Post Office
- Stewart, John: Farmer
- Taylor, James
- Taylor, Mrs Allan K.
- Taylor, Mrs George C.T.
- Taylor, Robert C.
- Taylor, Walter
- Trapoui, Salvator
- Turk, Charles
- Tyer, Albert
- Vosper, Samuel
- Walker, James
- Walker, John
- Wallace, James
- Wallace, John: Farmer
- Wallace, Thomas
- Ward, James N.
- Watson, D. Norman
- Webb, James H
- Welas, Frederick
- Wells, Mrs Annie
- Wilkins, Joseph: Currier
- Wilson, Edward
- Wilson, Jos
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wood, Edwin
- Woodward, Mark: Farmer
- Worthington, Frederick
- Wright, Arthur: Surveyor
- Young, James
- Young, Thomas: Gardener
1894-1895 Wise’s New Zealand Post Office Directory (Mount Albert p.466)
A single alphabetical list of names for residents in Mt Albert, with no specific addresses
- Alexander, John
- Allen, Thomas
- Andrews, Charles
- Armstrong, Samuel
- Ashton, George
- Ashton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Astley, John
- Astley, Thomas: Carrier
- Atkin, Wm. H. (Cousins & Atkin)
- Atleton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Avery, Mrs Elizabeth
- Avery, Robert
- Backer, William
- Barker, Charles
- Barker, Edwin
- Barnaby, Thomas B.
- Barnes, James: Driver
- Battersby, George
- Battersby, Thomas
- Battley, Frederick
- Beck, Richard
- Bennett, William
- Bevan, William
- Birley, Peter
- Bougham, John
- Bradeney, Harry
- Bray, Mrs Anna E.
- Bray, Samuel
- Brew, Frederick
- Brewster, Charles
- Bullivan, Edward
- Burgess, Frederick: Carrier
- Bycroft, Mrs Jos.
- Cairns, James C.
- Carrie, Mrs Martha
- Carter, William
- Caughey, Andrew C. (Smith & Caughey)
- Chatwin, William
- Chilton, Samuel
- Churton, John F.
- Clarke, James
- Colson, William
- Coofer, Sydney
- Court, George (Court Brothers)
- Court, James (Court Brothers)
- Cox, George
- Crawford, James: Settler
- Crawford, Matthew
- Culpin, Henry
- Dawson, George: Gardener
- Dawson, Capt. Thomas
- Day, Sydney
- Dean, John
- Dick, James
- Dixon, J.J.
- Driver, Richard
- Durham, Mrs Lucy
- Edgecombe, George
- Edgecombe, William
- Elliot, Thomas
- Ellis, Robert
- Evans, David J.
- Farley, Charles: Agent
- Finch, Samuel
- Fletcher, Abraham
- Fletcher, W.
- Fowldes, George
- Fraser, John: Builder
- French, Alexander
- Freney, William
- Fuller, Robert
- Garlick, J. Tonson
- George, Edward
- Gilmore, George C.: (Gilmore & Co)
- Gilmore, Jos.: Commission agent
- Grehen, Mrs Lizzie
- Gribble, Mrs Mary A.
- Hamilton, Mrs Mary A.
- Handley, William
- Hanley, John
- Hanson, William
- Harbutt, James: Broom maker
- Harrison, James
- Hastie, John
- Hastie, William
- Heath, N.: Teacher
- Hewlett, Mrs Emma
- Hill, Thomas: Gardener
- Hill, William
- Hines, Michael
- Hodgson, Thomas
- Hulse, James L.
- Hunt, John
- Hunter, James
- Hutton, Wynden
- James, James W.: Builder
- Jameson, Thomas R.
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones, William
- Kayes, Charles
- Kean, William
- Kelly, Alfred: Settler
- Kemp, James: Farmer
- Kemp, William
- King, John C.
- Knight, Thomas: Settler
- Knight, William: Settler
- Knox, John
- Laing, Edward
- Larkins, Rev. Frederick [Eng]
- Lindsay, Benjamin
- Lorne, E.: Blacksmith
- Lucas, Mrs Mary
- Lynds, William A.: Pound keeper
- McBride, George: Tailor
- McBride, Mrs Jane
- McBroom, William
- McDonald, Alexander: Gardener
- McElwain, George
- McGee, Frederick
- McGinn, Owen: Grocer
- McMurray, Mrs Annie
- McQuestion, Thomas
- Mansell, Henry
- Martin, William H.: Cattle dealer
- Meadows, George: Gardener
- Mercer, Albert
- Miller, William
- Morley, Sarah A.
- Morrow, David
- Motion, William
- Murdoch, Mrs David
- Murphy, Edward
- Nathan, William
- Neal, Alfred
- Nelson, Samuel
- Newell, Francis
- Nightingale, Albert
- Oelson, Andrew: Grocer
- O’Rooke, John
- O’Rooke, Michael
- Page, Arthur W.: Grocer
- Palmer, Albert
- Parry, Robert J.
- Partington, George
- Patterson, James: Butcher
- Patterson, Matthew
- Patterson, Robert
- Payes, James: Carpenter
- Penman, James A.: Carpenter
- Perkins, Euler
- Pettit, Mrs Margaret
- Philipps, John
- Piper, William: Fruiterer
- Pitcher, Henry J.
- Pooley, James
- Pratt, Henry J.
- Priestley, John
- Priestley, Thomas: Book agent
- Pye, George
- Raffarit, Francis
- Ramsbottom, Benjamin
- Rattray, William
- Read, James
- Read, Thomas
- Redshaw, John
- Rees, Mrs Martha
- Roberts, William E.: Storekeeper
- Rogan, John, J.P.
- Rooke, John
- Ross, James: Builder
- Ross, John
- Ross, Mrs Watts: Private school
- Runciman, Thomas
- Russell, Mrs Jane
- Sadgrove, Edward: Farmer
- Sadgrove, Mrs Sarah
- Sanderson, Joseph J.
- Scott John
- Scott, Mrs R.: Storekeeper
- Sellars, Mrs H.
- Sewell, William
- Shackleton, William
- Sheehan, James
- Shepherd, George
- Simpson, James
- Sinclair, James: Teacher
- Small, Charles I.: Grocer
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, Charles I.: Blacksmith
- Smith, Henry: Blacksmith
- Smith, J.C.: Carpenter
- Smyth, Benjamin
- Southgate, Horace
- Spragg, Wesley
- Stafford, Mrs Mary
- Stephenson, Sl.: Store & Post Office
- Stewart, John: Farmer
- Stewart, Thomas: Farmer
- Taylor, James
- Taylor, Mrs Allan K.
- Taylor, Mrs George C.T.
- Taylor, Robert C.
- Taylor, Samuel W.
- Taylor, Vincent
- Taylor, Walter
- Trapoui, Salvator
- Turk, Charles
- Tyer, Albert
- Walker, James
- Walker, John
- Wallace, James
- Wallace, John: Farmer
- Wallace, Thomas
- Ward, James N.
- Watson, D. Norman
- Webb, James H
- Webb, Thomas
- Welas, Frederick
- Wells, Mrs Annie
- Wilkins, Joseph
- Wilks, Mrs E.
- Willis, Charles
- Wilson, Edward
- Wilson, Joseph
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wood, Edwin
- Woodroffe, Frederick D.
- Woodward, Mark: Farmer
- Worthington, Frederick
- Wrenualls, Mrs J.
- Wright, Arthur: Surveyor
- Young, James
- Young, Mrs Emma
1896-1897 Wise’s New Zealand Post Office Directory (Mount Albert p.467)
A single alphabetical list of names for residents in Mt Albert, with no specific addresses
- Allen, Thomas
- Armstrong, George W
- Armstrong, Samuel J.
- Ashton, George
- Ashton, Thomas: Commission agent
- Astley, John E.
- Atkin, Wm. H. (Cousins & Atkin)
- Avery, Mrs Elizabeth
- Barker, Charles
- Barker, Edwin
- Barnaby, Thomas B.: Butcher
- Barnes, James
- Barry, Patrick
- Battersby, Thomas
- Battley, Frederick
- Beck, Richard
- Birley, Peter
- Blacklock, William
- Blayney, Walter
- Bond, William
- Bradeney, Harry
- Bray, Mrs Anna E.
- Bray, Samuel
- Broadwood, Philip
- Burgess, Frederick: Carrier
- Bycroft, Mrs Jos.
- Cairns, James C.
- Carrie, Mrs Martha
- Carter, William H.
- Caughey, Andrew C. (Smith & C.)
- Chatwin, William
- Chilton, Samuel
- Churton, John F.
- Clarke, James: Coal merchant
- Coburn, Isaac: Post & Telegraph Office
- Colson, Ernest
- Connelly, James
- Connelly, William
- Cox, George: Dealer
- Crawford, James: Settler
- Crawford, Matthew
- Cromwell, John
- Cullens, W.
- Curtis, Mrs Kate
- Davidson, Thomas
- Dawson, George
- Dawson, Capt. Thomas
- Dean, John
- Dick, James: Dairy
- Dixon, J.J.
- Driver, Richard
- Durham, Mrs Lucy
- Eckley, Richard
- Edgecombe, William
- Edwards, Mrs Bridget
- Ellis, Robert
- Exton, George
- Farley, Charles T.D.
- Finch, Samuel
- Finlay, Thomas
- Fletcher, Abraham
- Fowldes, George
- French, Alexander
- Gabb, Charles: Grocer
- Garlick, J. Tonson
- Garton, Robert
- Gehan, Mrs Lizzie
- George, Edward
- Giles, Edgar
- Gilmore, George C.: (Gilmore & Co)
- Gribble, Mrs Mary A.
- Grosvenor, Charles C.E.
- Gunson, James
- Hall, Samuel
- Hanley, John
- Harbutt, James: Broom maker
- Harbutt, Thomas
- Hastie, William
- Hewlett, Miss Eleanor
- Hill, William
- Hines, Michael
- Hodgson, Thomas
- Horsbrugh, Thomas
- Houghton, William A.
- Hunt, John
- Hyorth, J.A.
- Irwin, John
- James, James W.: Builder
- Jameson, Thomas R.
- Johnson, William H.
- Jones, William
- Kayes, Charles
- Kean, William
- Kemp, James: Farmer
- Kemp, William
- King, John C.
- Knight, Thomas: Settler
- Knight, William: Settler
- Laing, Edward
- Larkins, Rev. Frederick [Eng]
- Lindsay, Benjamin
- Lucas, George
- Lucas, Miss Margaret
- Lynds, William A.: Poundkeeper
- McBride, George
- McBride, Mrs Jane
- McBroom, William
- McCleay, John: Kingsland
- McDonald, Alexander
- McDonald, Robert
- McElwain, George
- McGee, Frederick
- McGehan, Patrick
- McIndoe, James
- McKenzie, Mrs Sarah
- McLean, Murdoch: Contractor
- McQuarrie, E
- McQuestion, Thomas
- Mansell, Henry
- Martin, William H.: J.P.
- May, Jos
- Meekin, S.
- Mercer, Albert
- Millar, Albert
- Miller, Henry
- Miller, James
- Miller, William
- Moreland, Alexander
- Morrow, David
- Motion, Mrs William
- Mulvaney, Thomas
- Murdoch, Mrs David
- Neal, Edward
- Newell, Francis
- Nightingale, Albert
- Oleson, Andrew: Grocer
- Page, Arthur W.: Grocer
- Parry, Robert J.
- Partington, George
- Patterson, James
- Patterson, Matthew
- Patterson, Robert
- Penman, James A.
- Petterson, Olof
- Pettit, Mrs Margaret
- Phillipps, John (P & Son)
- Pilcher, Henry J.
- Piper, William
- Pitman, Mrs M.
- Porritt, William: Wool classer
- Porter, William
- Priestley, John
- Priestley, Thomas: Book agent
- Ralls, Herbert
- Ramsbottom, Benjamin
- Rattray, William
- Read, James
- Read, Thomas
- Rickards, William
- Rogan, John, J.P.
- Rooke, John
- Ross, James
- Ross, John: Blacksmith
- Russell, Mrs Jane
- Ryan, Timothy
- Sadgrove, Angus
- Sadgrove, Edward: Farmer
- Sadgrove, Mrs Sarah
- Sanderson, Joseph J.
- Schnackenberg, Mrs
- Scott John
- Scott, Mrs R.: Storekeeper
- Sellars, Mrs H.
- Sewell, William
- Sheehan, James
- Shepherd, George
- Small, Mrs Kate: Grocer
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, Charles I.: Blacksmith
- Smith, J.C.: Carpenter
- Smith, Thomas
- Smyth, Benjamin
- Southgate, Mrs Horace
- Spragg, Wesley
- Stewart, Mrs John
- Stewart, Thomas: Farmer
- Taylor, George
- Taylor, James
- Taylor, Mrs Allan K.
- Taylor, Mrs George C.T.
- Taylor, Robert C.
- Taylor, Samuel
- Taylor, Vincent
- Thotley, William
- Tooman, Arthur: Auctioneer
- Trapena, Salvator
- Turk, Charles
- Turner, John
- Tyer, Albert
- Tyer, Arthur E
- Walker, James
- Walker, John: Florist
- Walker, Peter
- Wallace, James
- Wallace, John: Farmer
- Wallace, Mrs Thomas
- Webb, Thomas: Merchant
- Wells, Frederick
- Wells, Mrs Seymour
- Westbrook, Jacob
- White, Frank
- Wilkins, J.H.
- Wilkins, Joseph
- Wilks, Charles H.
- Wilks, Mrs E.
- Willis, Cottingham
- Wilson, Edward
- Wilson, Joseph
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wood, Edwin
- Wood, Noah
- Woodroffe, Frederick D.
- Woodward Brothers: Farmers
- Woodward, Mrs Mark
- Worthington, Frederick
- Wright, Arthur B.: Surveyor
- Young, James
1898-1899 Wise’s New Zealand Post Office Directory (Mount Albert p.79)
A single alphabetical list of names for residents in Mt Albert, with no specific addresses
- Allen, Thomas
- Allison, John
- Anderson, Quintan L.
- Armstrong, George W
- Armstrong, Samuel J.
- Armstrong, Samuel T.
- Ash, Charles
- Ashton, Thos A.: Commission agent
- Astley, John E.
- Baker, Norman (B & B)
- Baker, William
- Barker, Edwin
- Barnes, James
- Battley, Frederick, Laurel bank
- Beck, Richard
- Birley, Peter
- Blacklock, William
- Blayney, Alexander
- Blayney, Walter
- Bray, Albert E.
- Bray, Mrs Anna E.
- Bray, Samuel
- Broadwood, Philip
- Butterworth, Benjamin M.
- Bycroft, Mrs Jos.
- Cairns, Miss Jane
- Campbell, George C.
- Carter, William H.
- Caughey, Andrew C. (Smith & C.)
- Chatwin, William
- Connelly, William
- Coster, Frederick
- Cox, George: Dealer
- Crawford, James: Settler
- Cromwell, John
- Curtis, William
- Cuthbert, Henry S.
- Dale, James
- Davidson, Thomas
- Dawson, George
- Dixon, John J.
- Driver, Richard
- Dunbar, Robert
- Duncan, Samuel
- Durham, Mrs Lucy
- Edgecombe, Mrs William
- Edwards, Mrs Bridget
- Exton, George
- Farley, Charles T.D.
- Finch, Samuel
- Finlay, Andrew
- Finlay, Thomas
- Fowldes, George
- Francis, Herbert
- Freeney, William
- Garlick, John H.
- Garlick, J. Tonson, Ferndale
- George, Edward
- George, Mrs Elizabeth
- Giles, Mrs Edgar
- Gorrie, Alexander
- Grosvenor, Charles C.E.
- Grosvenor, Mrs Mary
- Gunson, James
- Hall, Samuel
- Hanson, William
- Harbutt, Thomas J.
- Harrison, John
- Harrison, John H.
- Harrison, John L.
- Harrison, Mrs Jane
- Harrison, William
- Hazel, Thomas
- Henderson, Henry
- Hill, Thomas
- Hines, Michael
- Hodgson, Thomas
- Holloway, John
- Horsbrugh, Thomas
- Houghton, William A.
- James, James W.: Builder
- Jameson, Thomas R.
- Johnson, William H.
- Jones, Patchett
- Jones, William
- Jordan, Erick: Store & Post Office
- Kelley, Thomas
- Knight, William
- Laing, Edward
- Larkins, Rev. Frederick [Eng]
- Law, Rev. John [Wes]
- Lawrence, Alfred
- Lees, H.
- Lynds, George.: Poundkeeper
- McBride, George
- McClean, Murdoch: Contractor
- McCleay, John: Kingsland
- McDonald, Alexander
- McGehan, Patrick
- McIllroy, Thomas
- McIndoe, James
- Mackay, Alexander
- McKierney, John A
- McKierney, Rev. John A.
- McQuarrie, Hector
- McQuestion, Thomas
- Martin, William H.: J.P.
- May, John
- Miller, Henry
- Miller, Mrs Jennett
- Moreland, Alexander
- Morley, George
- Morris, William
- Morton, Thomas C.
- Motion, Mrs William
- Murdoch, Mrs David
- Neal, Edward
- Nesbitt, William J.
- Newcombe, Thomas: School master
- Newell, Francis
- Oleson, Andrew N.: Grocer
- O’Rorke, John
- O’Rorke, Michael
- Pardington, George
- Parry, Robert J.: Teacher
- Pattison, Jonathan
- Penman, James A.
- Petterson, Olof
- Phillipps, John (P & Son)
- Pike, Henry D
- Pilcher, Henry J.
- Piper, William H.
- Porritt, William: Wool classer
- Pratt, Henry J.
- Priestley, John
- Ralls, Herbert
- Rattray, William
- Richards, Thomas
- Richards, Rev. Thomas R. [Wes]
- Rickards, William
- Rogan, John, J.P.
- Ross, John: Blacksmith
- Russell, Mrs Jane
- Ryan, Timothy
- Sadgrove, Edward: Farmer
- Schnackenberg, Mrs Annie J.
- Sellars, Mrs Harry
- Sewell, William
- Sifflett, Charles
- Skilton, Francis
- Small, Mrs Kate: Grocer
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, John C.: Carpenter
- Smith, Thomas
- Smyth, Benjamin
- Soppet, John
- Spragg, Wesley
- Stewart, David
- Stewart, Mrs James
- Stewart, Thomas: Farmer
- Stewart, William
- Stretton, Frank
- Taylor, Mrs Allan K.
- Taylor, Mrs George
- Taylor, Robert C.
- Taylor, Vincent K
- Tichbon, Thomas
- Trviss, Trevas
- Turk, Charles
- Tyer, Arthur E
- Veale, Norman
- Walker, John: Florist & poultry farm
- Wallace, Mrs Thomas
- Wauters, Henry
- Webb, Thomas: Merchant
- Webb, Thomas H.
- Webster, Hartley
- Wells, Frederick
- Whitcombe, Jabez
- White, Frank
- Whitham, Robert: Schoolmaster
- Wilkins, Jos H.
- Wilkins, Joseph
- Wilks, Charles H.
- Willis, Cottingham
- Wilson, Edward
- Winstone, Wm (W & G Winstone)
- Wood, Noah
- Woodroffe, Frederick D.
- Woodward Frank & Fredk: Farmers
- Woodward, Mrs Mark
- Wright, Arthur B.
- Young, James
- Young, Walter