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Glamis Obstetric Hospital (1937-1971)

Go to the map of maternity homes to see location (I).

626 New North Rd (to 1941); renumbered to 790 New North Rd.

Angeceno Private Hospital was renamed Glamis Obstetric Hospital in late 1937.

The name Glamis may have had a personal meaning to the Patersons or Nurse Jackson. However, it may have been chosen because it was very much in the news at the time. Glamis Castle was the ancestral home of Queen Elizabeth, wife of King George VI, who were crowned December 1936. The newspapers were full of accounts of the background of the Bowes Lyon family, and the domestic life of the new King and Queen and their young daughters.

Dr J. Atkin Paterson had been Director of Angeceno Private Hospital since its inception in 1929, but did not own the building. At the end of 1937 he purchased the property and registered a private company “Glamis Hospital Ltd”, with himself the major shareholder and his wife Isabella Paterson and Matron Mary Jackson the other shareholders.

Auckland Star 17 December 1937

The first mention of Glamis in the New Zealand Herald births notices is 13 November 1937. One of the first babies born at Glamis was the son of Dr Graham Lindsay, a local doctor.

Dr Paterson died in 1969, leaving Glamis Hospital Ltd to his family. In 1971 its focus moved from obstetric care and became a private hospital (Glamis Hospital and Rest Home).

Some time before January 2008 it became a boarding house, called Econ Lodge.

1937-1945: Nurse Mary Royal Jackson

Nurse Jackson was the first Matron of Glamis Obstetric Hospital. She was a registered nurse and midwife, who had trained at St Helen’s Hospital Wellington and had worked at St Helen’s Hospital in Auckland before moving to Mt Albert. She left Glamis in 1945 to marry.

1945-1971: Matrons

An incomplete list of later matrons:

c1949-51: Nurse Anderson

c1952-53: Nurse Freda Henderson

c1954-55: Nurse Mabel Martin


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